Volleyball England Foundation

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Angie Palisoc on the front line

An interesting insight into the world of a Registered Nurse from Angie Palisoc. Angie spent most of her youth in the Philippines before moving to England.

When did you start playing Volleyball?

I started playing in the Philippines as part of school activities when I was in grade 4 (similar to Year 4 in UK). I was not very good at the start, but it became my extra curricular activity till High School. I played for  one term in College and after graduation, I did not play again till after quite a long long while, almost a decade.

I was already in UK at that time (2014) when we decided to organise a group where Filipino women could play sports as the majority of the Filipino men are into playing basketball. Since then I became active in volleyball and met other players and volleyball enthusiasts here in Greater Manchester. 

As I work as a Registered Nurse playing volleyball has became my leisure activity. It helps me relax especially after very busy days of work. I travelled to Bolton, Preston, London, and Bridlington just to play or watch volleyball.

Working in the NHS

 I worked, on the ward in the hospital for 11 years, I then decided to work in Health Care in Community for about 4 years now. 

Unlike many other jobs, my job continues in spite of the COVID-19 situation. There is no change in how we provide the care and treatment to our patients as we have always been practicing infection prevention, but we have additional personal protective equipment worn (as per Government guidelines to prevent the spread of virus) at all times during visits to patient’s homes.  Our service is to prevent patients from unnecessary admission to the hospital and also facilitate early and safe discharge from hospital. There has been an increase in patients being referred to our service for hospital admission avoidance since the start of the COVID situation. 

Life goes on in spite of the COVID-19 situation. Though changes have to be made such as limited travel for social gatherings, meeting friends and other family meetings now take place online.. We have celebrated my husband’s grandad’s 101 years birthday via ZOOM. All families from Philippines , New York and UK gathered online on 01/05/2020. 

Family life

My husband is working from home and my daughter has continued school at home. My husband has become the chef of the house and been experimenting different delicacies which we just used to buy ready to eat before. I am worried that when this situation is over we will all be overweight 😂. Though he is actually more worried about me contracting the virus from work.  

I am hoping that this will end soon and everyone will go back to normality and we will see friends and family again face to face and in person not online. 

Stay safe, protect the NHS.

Thank you Angie Palisoc.