Volleyball England Foundation

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Athena - Looking to the future but feeling frustrated.

 Thank you Paul Kaerger Chair of the East Midlands Regional Association and Coach at Athena Volleyball Club for an update on where the club is at the moment.

How are you using this time to plan for the future?

We had a committee meeting last night we cannot see us starting before October. Therefore, we are going to try and organise little outdoor sessions with maximum of 6 players. We have just asked the captains to assess interest and then I will write the risk assessment and procedures. These will include track and trace, cleansing, timings, etc.

The groups can decide whether to play 3v3 matches, volleyball drills or conditioning. I anticipate we run a session for 50 minutes then 10 minutes cleaning before the next set of 6 turn up … but it depends on whether people are interested and, of course the weather.

What are the biggest challenges you are facing at the moment?

Challenges will be availability of venues and when they feel safe to open up. We are reliant on schools and Morningside Arena and we will abide by their decisions and procedures.

Everything hangs around when we will be able to get indoors. We have suspended subscriptions until we start again, luckily, we are in an OK financial position.

We want to advertise for players but we have to wait. We keep having juniors contact us wanting to join us … it is so frustrating.

What will the new normal look like?

I have no idea. I think this season will be very disrupted, starting next year. I cannot see East Midlands starting before the New Year, same with Volleyball England and I am going to suggest that we run local league as a series of one day tournaments.

This season will be all around hand sanitisers, no handshakes, wearing masks etc. But I am hopeful things will be better for 2021/22.

 Thanks Paul, I think the whole of the sporting world is feeling the same, but hopeful for the future.