Volleyball England Foundation

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Can you play Sitting Volleyball on the Beach?

Beach sitting volleyball is not currently a discipline that World ParaVolley is developing.  World ParaVolley’s primary areas of focus are sitting volleyball (indoor) and beach paravolley (standing).

Beach sitting volleyball brings together the worldwide popularity of Sitting Volleyball with the fantastic fun and vigour that beach sports bring.

Teams are made up of three players, working within a classification system which promotes the inclusivity of the sport – otherwise following the standard rules of sitting volleyball. For the full rules including diagrams, see 2022-2024 World ParaVolley Beach Sitting Volleyball Rules and Diagrams.

Athlete Eligibility

All athletes with physical impairments are eligible to compete at the international level, provided they go through the Classification process. Many players are athletes who are amputees. In addition, one player on each team may have ‘minimal impairment’, which means their impairment may appear minimal but it may prevent them from competing in the conventional version of the sport. These injuries could include anterior cruciate ligament damage or missing fingers.

Here’s a chance to see Beach Sitting Volleyball video

Beach Sitting Volleyball rules.