Volleyball England Foundation

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CEV Webinar No 3. How to inspire kids to play volleyball.

Dutchman Remko Kenter this coming Thursday, August 27, at 2 pm CEST to add a third chapter to the very successful second series of online workshops organised by the CEV Technical and Development Department.
Remko will be presenting some parts of his Action Volley coaching style that he has specifically designed for U12 age groups. He will emphasise how Volleyball is fun and cool, when implementing the “smash” and adding scoring to games involving kids.

Kenter has been around in the Volleyball community for some 40 years, first as a player and now he has amassed some 30 years of experience as a trainer. Currently he trains the U12 boys’ teams in the Netherlands, is the chairperson of the board of Sliedrecht Sport Kids Volley, and trains beach volleyball and smash volleyball as well.


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