Volleyball England Foundation

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First sitting Grand Prix of the season

Last Sunday the sitting volleyball community came together for the first sitting volleyball Grand Prix of the season. They are already looking forward to the next 5.

The Volleyball England Foundation have been great supporters of this inclusive part of our game and have provided funding for 5 new teams to be developed over the last 2 years.

During September the Foundation offered the opportunity for clubs to apply for up to £1000 to support the development of sitting volleyball in their clubs. Unfortunately we didn’t have any applications in this round so will be trying again in the New Year. We understand that at this time of year when players are just coming back to training and getting organised for playing competitively next season, that establishing a new part of your club might not be a high priority.

One of the newest teams to be developed is based in Nottingham, the application to establish a team came from Nottingham Rockets, and Notting Casualties also expressed interest. Both teams play out of the venue so it made sense that one sitting team was established in Nottingham.

Great news from the first Grand Prix of the 2022-23 season, is that this combined team were winners of the Tier 2 Group, a spokesman for the teams said “We have started off where we finished last season.. After only starting sessions in Feb and entering the last 2 GPs we won the last one and we are doing it again. “

The team would like to thank the support of their Teams Sponsors - Frasers Group