Volleyball England Foundation

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Funding into Volleyball reaches £240k through Sport England Return to Play.

The Foundation are continuing to support Volleyball clubs around the county to receive funding through the Sport England Return to Play fund.

The National average for successful applications is running at 49%. For Volleyball, including all 58 applications, Volleyball is currently running at 72% success, this is one of the highest percentages for middle sized NGBs. Across the whole Volleyball network a total of just over £240,000 has been allocated to volleyball, this includes a number of community organisations that have identified Volleyball as part of their delivery programme. The Foundation is currently running at 100% success rate through Return to Play,

The Foundation have now supported 17 successful applications and have 3 more being reviewed at the moment and 2 grant application being developed. Last week 4 clubs were informed that they would receive an award bring the total fund supported by the Foundation to over £110k.

The Foundation spoke to Sport England today and they have been told that if you are one of the 22 clubs that applied for Return to Play fund and your application was not successful you are able to reapply, if you are one of those clubs and would like some support from the Foundation please get in touch.

If you are a club that has yet to apply for Return to Play and would like some support from the Foundation please send us an email to foundation@volleyballengland,org