Volleyball England Foundation

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Masters 2022 Summer Outdoor Mixed Event

Thanks to the generous help from a Sport England- Return to Play funding, supported by the Volleyball England Foundation, Masters Volleyball are able to announce their first ever outdoor mixed event to be held in Stratford Upon Avon on the 17-19 June 2022.

The tournament will run under the same guidelines as all previous 9 Masters Indoor tournaments with an age restricted entry for Ladies over 35 and Men over 40.  

With it being a mixed event, they are hoping that it will encourage many more players who may have dropped away from the game to come out and put their skills to the test in a less intimidating environment as the Indoor tournament in September. 

The mixed side of things can be one of two options. You can either enter as a full team of nine players or enter on your own and the Tournament will build the rest of the team so that no one is left out. Three ladies on court minimum at a time with timed matches allowing plenty of time to relax between games. The whole competition will take place at the Charlecote Pheasant Hotel with accommodation and functions arranged for the entire stay including a Hawaiian themed BBQ on the Saturday evening.

Spaces will be limited due to the size of the Hotel, but the tournament will be aiming to run a minimum of 3 courts with 12 teams playing so a potential 108 players.  They aim to make it a regular event on the calendar in mid-June so as not to interfere with any other events.

Masters founder Ian Towers added “We always wanted to increase the options to players eligible for the Masters but never really found a way to do so. With the help and support from Sport England, the Volleyball England Foundation and the’ Return to Play’ grant it means we can host an event with the knowledge that the initial set up costs are not going to be met by those wishing to attend. In our 10th year of tournaments this is going to be a great way to give those players who still have a little game play in them a chance to come out and enjoy a sociable weekend. The indoor event can be quite intimidating for those out of the game for some time but with an outdoor setting and mixed teams we are hoping to encourage more players off the sofa and back on to court in a more relaxed setting”.