Manchester Marvels all ready to get sitting in their club.
Manchester Marvels, one of the three clubs that have been funded by Volleyball England Foundation, to set up a sitting volleyball section in their club, were the first to receive their sitting volleyball equipment this week. Posts, nets and aerials arrived, the COVID kit bag arrived last week, once the COVID compliant net arrives in the next 2 weeks they will have everything they need to get on court in May.
Tom Atkinson, the chair of Manchester Marvels said “ We're very excited about this new part of our club; we've already been in contact with our venue, Dean Trust Ardwick, to discuss options and reserve hall time for our sitting volleyball team training to develop a Grand Prix team and an open training to introduce people to the sport. Receiving all the equipment just makes us look forward to it even more and so does seeing the other sitting volleyball clubs receive theirs. Again, thank you to the Volleyball England Foundation for giving us this opportunity through their grant.”
To find out more about Manchester Marvels go to their website.