Volleyball England Foundation

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Babies on Court - First time at a match for Team Bello

Team Bello tell us about their introduction to Volleyball


1.    How were you first introduced to Volleyball?

 The day after I was born, I was brought to ‘watch’ a match where my dad was playing in the Spanish Top League. I learnt to crawl and took my first steps on a volleyball court. By the age of 6 I was playing my first Mini League (4-a-side)

2.    What was the most difficult skill to master on court? 

Although technically it is off the court, I have always struggled with my serving. 

3.    What makes you most proud of our Volleyball Family? 

I’m very proud of the fact that you can find people of all nationalities, races, religions, physical abilities… and yet we’re all united and share the same passion.

4.    What was your greatest Volleyball achievement?

 My first bronze medal on the World Tour last year. Although close second would be winning gold at the Youth Commonwealth Games in 2017

5.    What are you missing most during the lockdown? 

Travelling the world to play tournaments.

6.    What are you looking forward to most once the lockdown is over? 

Something as simple as a good Five Guys burger with Javier & friends after a tough training session.


1.   How were you first introduced to Volleyball?

I was inspired by my dad who was a professional volleyball player, and also by my cousin who won the u21 World Championship in 2004. 

2.    What was the most difficult skill to master on court? 

Defending is the most difficult one and I’m still working on it. It actually looks a lot easier than it is!

3.    What makes you most proud of our Volleyball Family?

Although it is not very big, I’m very proud of how tight it is. Despite the rivalries on the court, everyone is always there for each other.

4.    What was your greatest Volleyball achievement?

The gold medal at the Youth Commonwealth games was very special, but I also cherish my first senior international medal on the World Tour last year

5.    What are you missing most during the lockdown?

The sand!!

6.    What are you looking forward to most once the lockdown is over? 

I can’t wait to get back to travelling and competing internationally and spending time with friends, family, fellow players…