Volleyball England Foundation

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September discount offer for the Delirium ebook.

“Delirium” is a new book coming out early 2020. Its focus will be about “unravelling mindset to enhance performance in work and play”. Produced by Director and Trustee at the Volleyball England Foundation, Adrian Stores, and no stranger to our sport as Founder and now Chairman to Stockport Volleyball Club.

The book has: Insights of leading practitioners in psychology and sports. Adrian interviewed them personally including a volleyball player from Team Canada and other sports including football, rugby and basketball etc.

He has produced this as a legacy to his Father who is currently poorly. Adrian says: “I woke up this morning with that word “delirium” reverberating in my head. I’d never heard the phrase before until my Father suffered ‘shut down’ in his brain despite being alert only 4 weeks previously. Ironic really as he’s spent a lifetime resulting in becoming a leading professor in the World in psychiatry, psychology, epilepsy and sleep – as well as athlete with the GB Universities’ Team in his youth."

Proceeds to registered charity (No. 1138864), the Volleyball England Foundation which has the opportunity to use its philanthropic status to play an important role in helping the sport to flourish in this Country.

The discount code is: EBOOK40

The discount is: less 40%

Customers need only enter the discount code at checkout, where it will then be applied.

This offer is only available on the ebook and is only available during September.