Volleyball England Foundation

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Sitting Volleyball funding still available as we start to think about getting back on court.

As we start to put plans in place to restart volleyball after what seems like an endless break, there is still time to consider including sitting volleyball in the offer your club makes to its players.

The funding window for this first round of applications is still open, applications will be considered at the start of December and clubs will be informed if they have been successful in their application before Christmas.

The Foundation will be offering a maximum of £1000 per club, through this scheme, which will be used for equipment and training.  Steve Matthews, Trustee at Volleyball England Foundation, has suggested, that a successful applicant will receive, some or all of the following:,

  • Posts and net for sitting volleyball

  • Resource packs for Clubs

  • Training for coaches and officials

Interested parties, should complete the Application Form that can be requested by sending an email to foundation@volleyballengland.org .

Please ensure that when you return your competed application form all specified documentation requested are included and sent your Form, to ensure your application can be considered by our Assessment Panel.

For more information go to our Funding for Clubs page