Volleyball England Foundation

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Sport England - Shaping our future strategy

Sport England want to hear from you about what they should be considering as they develop their strategy for 2021 and beyond.

Sport England would like the opportunities to engage you in this consultation including:

  • Letting them know your headline reactions and feedback via the short survey below

  • Taking part in one of their structured sessions to discuss where they are heading and what that means for what they will do - they expect these will be from July onwards

  • Contributing to an online conversation to generate discussion around key themes and questions - which will be set up from autumn onwards.

Please do share the ‘Shaping our Future’ document with anybody who you think is interested and may want to be a part of future engagement.

And for more information on how Sport England got to this point, see our Coronavirus: What happens next? page and watch the webinar our chief executive Tim Hollingsworth hosted in January 2020.

For more information and to take the survey go to https://www.sportengland.org/why-were-here/shaping-our-future-strategy

To read the full document go to Shaping Our Future