Volleyball England Foundation

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Tendring final session before lockdown.

Evening Volleyballers, Tendring Volleyball Club would like to invite you to their final session before the lockdown.

With regards to the Government news on Saturday just gone stating that we will be going into lockdown this Thursday and Volleyball England confirming no sport to happen during the lockdown.

We have decided to hold a Volleyball Beach session tomorrow evening from 6pm at Martello Beach, Clacton-on-Sea.

We would love anyone to come along for the last time before lockdown.

Please note that to attend and play, you will need to register online at http://www.tendringvolleyball.com/beach

A register will be take by Rees.

Weather is going to be nice but a bit chilly so make sure you wrap up for the session.

You need to bring your own water bottle / sun cream, warm clothes. These must not be shared.

Social distancing 1m+ must be kept as much as possible whilst playing and 2m+ whilst off the court.

If you feel / become ill at any time, you must not attend and notify myself straight away. This is part of the track and trace that needs to be done.

Any issues with the above, do not hesitate to speak to me or Alex Porter.

Looking forward to seeing you on the sand tomorrow evening.

P. S. If you have any spotlights that you can bring, please bring them with you. Cheers