Volleyball England Foundation

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The best CV in Volleyball

Brian Stalker talks about his lifelong friend Stewart Dunne.

Stewart was, is, a larger than life character and has been a significant figure within Volleyball England for many years.

He was a player, volleyball and breach volleyball referee, international volleyball referee, Referee Commission member, VE Board member and for a period its President, CEV Champions League Technical Delegate.

He was Sport Manager for volleyball at London 2012 in Earls Court and latterly COO for VE.

Now that’s some volleyball CV.

I first met Stewart when he was a young up and coming referee in the late 80s and had a hand in his development. He was a good listener, but more importantly his drive and commitment was clearly going to take him to the top of the refereeing tree - and so it came to pass as he became an international volleyball referee.

He then joined us on Referee Commission and soon became a key active member. 

In time his passion for the game, organisational and leadership qualities persuaded him to be nominated for and voted in as President of VE, a position he graced for an all too short period.

Oh yes and during that period we were also both CEV Champions League Technical Delegates.

Come London’s award of the 2012 Olympic Games, he and I again joined forces to recruit and train the National Technical Officials (NTOs) and Field of Play volunteers for volleyball and beach volleyball and both eventually employed by LOCOG for him to deliver volleyball at Earls Court and me beach volleyball at Horse Guards Parade.

Our volleyball paths were for ever intertwined.

After the Games, Stewart took up a job with CEV in Luxembourg and in time was appointed to his dream job with FIVB, only to be cruelly denied by serious illness that necessitated  him giving up work altogether for a significant period.

Once back on his feet he once again out his shoulder to the wheel as COO at VE when they were in serious financial difficulties and was instrumental in getting VE back on an even keel.

He’s now back running his own business, helping other businesses to succeed

But who knows, we may see the Big Man back involved - never say never.

We all have a sizeable list of acquaintances, but the list of real friends is usually quite small - I count SD as one of my real friends.