Volleyball England Foundation

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VE Foundation here to help.

Last week the Foundation received an email, it started as many do “Not sure you are able to help, but we are going to ask”.

Normally this is followed by a request for funding BUT not this time.. This email was from a primary school teachers, he went on to tell us about his school.

“ Like most schools, we haven’t stopped since lockdown and are now facing a challenging time as quite a few of the children are finding it difficult to adjust. To combat this we are creating ways to boost their confidence. We have raised a small pot of funds to have a go at creating a beach volleyball court, with the aim of getting the entire school involved. 

Some of our children do not even have a garden, so the more spaces like this that we can create around the school, the more we can provide valuable opportunities.”

 And then he made the request for help, “I am writing to ask if it might be possible to ask a couple of the England team players to send an email with a few encouraging words?”

We replied having asked TEAM Bello to send a message, but this wasn’t the only thing we did, we contacted someone in the local volleyball community who has now been in touch with the school offering support.

The school have decided their Y6 children will be responsible for looking after the court but the Reception class are planning a Beach Party later in the summer. Sounds like a great plan.

Volleyball England Foundation - here to help.