Volleyball England Foundation

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Volleyball Development Camps.

Impressive measures being taken by Volleyball Development Camps to ensure the young people taking part and the coaches all stay safe.

In case anyone is interested in what we are doing to make these camps as safe as possible

• Track and Trace details are captured as part of our normal booking process and our Coaching Agreement forms.

• COVID Declarations forms completed by all attendees on behalf of both the venue and ourselves.

• Drop off point in the car park (no parents on campus) and younger aged campers escorted to and from the sports hall.

• Separate entrance to other sports centre users so that we operate in our own bubble with toilet facilities for our exclusive use.

• Maximum of 30 people per session.

• COVID officer present at each session.

• Daily forehead temperature checks at the start of each session.

• Each camper is assigned their own chair and area for kit, water etc.

• The chairs are sanitised after each session.

• We are running one session in the morning and two in the afternoon with an hours gap between for cleaning and so that the two groups are separate.

• 5 Sanitation stations in the gym.

• Regular sanitisation breaks - sanitise the balls, sanitise hands and THEN get a drink.

• Campers reminded to remain socially distances during breaks and explanations.

• Drills designed to minimise close contact situations.

We won't lie, there has been a LOT of extra work in the planning and a certain amount of adjustment in running the drills, although not as much as you might expect.

It has been worth it though seeing the joy of our campers returning to the sport they love.

Roll on the next camps planned for September and October