Volleyball England Foundation

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Volleyball England Foundation extend their reach.

Volleyball England Foundation extend their reach.

One of the good things about being an administrator on the VEF website is being able to look at some of the statistical information the ‘back end’ contains.

For example, since the start of the year we have had over 5,200 unique visitors to our site, looking at over 13,000 pages. The most looked at pages are perhaps not surprising, most people view our home and news pages but the grant finder is also a regular stop for many. Perhaps what is surprising is that one of the most popular pages is the page about our Trustees, the 12 individuals who make up the workforce of the Foundation. The most viewed news story was about Nicky Osborne an ex -GB player who is a doctor, working during the pandemic.

What has been great over the last 12 months is the growth in the number of people coming directly to the website, most people are still coming to the site through social media but the number that link directly is growing.

Looking at the geographical spread of people coming to the website is also interesting. We expect that most, 6,000 come from the UK, but so far this year we have had over 500 from North America, 250 from Europe, 40 from Africa, 15 from Russia and 21 from China. I often wonder what they are looking for and if they found it?

Looking at our social media, our Facebook page has had over 4,250 views in the last 28 days, with 340 people viewing the Hull Thunder sitting volleyball session last weekend.  

If you have something you would like us to promote or share drop us an email at foundation@volleyballengland.org.

Looking froward to hearing from you.