Volleyball England Foundation

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What makes Carol Gordon proud of our Volleyball Family?

  1. How were you first introduced to Volleyball?

    In a sports class at Birmingham University

  2. What was the most difficult skill to master on court?   


  3. What makes you most proud of our Volleyball Family?  

    The way we represent ourselves to the community and of course the great camaraderie amongst us.

  4. What was your greatest Volleyball achievement? Can I have 3?  As a player being part of the Cup Winning Team Malory eagles

    As a Coach passing my Level 3 FIVB  and being England Cadet  Head Coach

    Being a Manager for England /GB Men for over 20 years

  5. What are you missing most during the lockdown?  Training time and being with the Club members

  6. What are you looking forward to most once the lockdown is over?  

    Starting a new physical preparation phase with the players and welcoming the newcomers.