Volleyball England Foundation

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"Where Are They Now?" - Daniel Thompson

Daniel Thompson

What were you doing before you went to VE?

"Before working for Volleyball England I completed an undergraduate degree in Sport & Exercise Science at Sheffield Hallam University"

What attracted you to the role at VE?

"I was a keen sportsman and regularly sought opportunities to volunteer in a variety of sporting events. One of the sports I volunteered in was volleyball. From the very first moment I volunteered for VE I absolutely loved it! The volleyball on show and the atmosphere created by the supporters attracted me to want to get involved in more opportunities. I continued to regularly volunteer at VE’s major domestic events including the National Cup & Shield Finals, Super 8’s Playoff Finals and at the National School Games in a variety of roles. During the second year of my degree, I had to complete a placement as part of my course and I worked with Keith Trenam compiling volleyball stats and analysing footage for the Sheffield Men’s Super 8 team. When I saw there was an opportunity to work for VE at the National Volleyball Centre I jumped at the chance as I was tremendously passionate about growing the sport in my hometown as well.."

What was your favourite part of the role?

"It would have to be being part of the team which delivered VE’s major competitions, a particular favourite of mine was the Northern European Volleyball Zonal Association Championships (NEVZA). It was great to work on on a competition which brought multiple nations together. The other thing I really enjoyed about my role was working with young people to make volleyball accessible to all abilities so that everyone could find an interest in the sport. I think this is really important in the sporting world, particularly when it comes to young people’s first contact with sport because everyone should be able to feel like they can get involved".

What role did you have at VE?

"I was the National Volleyball Centre Coordinator based at the National Volleyball Centre in Kettering. I had a unique role in that it covered volleyball development, daily operations at the National Volleyball Centre and working in the competitions and events team. Part of my remit involved increasing the participation of volleyball within Northamptonshire. Here I worked on numerous projects and standalone events with the local volleyball clubs within the area and schools. Another aspect of my role was being part of the competitions and events team that delivered all of VE’s domestic and international events. During my time at VE I was very proud to have managed a number of highly successful projects, such as growing the Volleyball Northants school and college competition programme from approximately 60 participants and four schools/colleges regularly attending each Grand Prix (GP) to doubling the number of participants and schools/colleges. I am also proud of establishing the Volleyball Northants Leadership Academy linked with the David Ross Education Trust as a means to create a sustainable volunteer workforce to support VE’s major events".

Where did you go after leaving VE?

"I enjoyed three-and-a-half years at VE and after my role was unfortunately made redundant, I moved on to British Canoeing where I was the Talent Programme Administration Officer. It was really exciting to experience a new sport and work on a daily basis with the coaching team to build a thriving, high performance environment for our aspiring athletes".

What is your current role?

"I currently still work for British Canoeing in the talent pathway. In 2019, my role was redefined and I am now the Talent Operations Coordinator. In this role I manage the administration, logistics and operations of the talent pathway."

What has been your lasting memory of being part of VE?

"I really enjoyed my time working at VE and one of my lasting memories is the closeness of the volleyball family and working with a number of skilled staff and fantastic volunteers. My role at VE was my first role after finishing my degree and I learnt a lot while working here, and these experiences are something that will support me throughout my career. I look back with fond memories, particularly working with the competitions team: Sanjib, Jon, Will and Larry".

Thank-you so much for your time Daniel!