Volleyball England Foundation

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Volleyball clubs benefit from Sport England 'Return to Play' funding.

Great to see Volleyball Clubs receiving funding through the Sport England ‘Return to Play.’

As well as the funding to support Sitting Volleyball other clubs have also been successful at securing funding.

Well done Wombourne Wessex and Coventry & Warwick Riga Volleyball Club they have all received funding to help cover the costs of cleaning equipment, signage and more playing space to support smaller training groups.

Club Development Officer Sophie Key said: “Thanks to Sport England’s guidance, the process to complete the application was really easy.

Wessex Volleyball Club have received funding to enable them to safety get back to playing volleyball.

The funds will go towards purchasing extra equipment to allow for training in smaller groups, covering the costs for an online booking system that allows for track and trace, and buying disinfectant and hand gels

For more information on Sport England’s Return to Play grant support https://bit.ly/2MAXBhm

If you need support completing the application let us know at foundation@volleyballengland.org


This will provide grants of between £300 and £10,000 to help sport and activity groups, clubs and organisations respond to the immediate challenges of returning to play in a Covid-19-safe environment.

It’ll help community sport respond to the challenges posed, such as having to deliver in smaller groups, having the correct hygiene and safety equipment and giving training to club volunteers.

It’ll also cover making necessary changes to facilities, supplying additional sports equipment and new signage to meet current government and national governing body rules and guidance.

More information on Small Grants