Volleyball England Foundation

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York VC Indoor sessions for adults start next Monday.

York Volleyball Club

Indoor sessions for adults start next Monday!

The 17th May will see York VC’s first indoor session for the NVL women, the men's NVL squad will train indoors on Thursday and all other members will be invited to an outdoor session on a Wednesday evening.

From Monday 17th we will be charging for ALL sessions whether indoor or outdoor and this will be requested as part of the registration on Spond.

The cost will be pay as you play and is there to help fund new outdoor equipment and the hire of the sports halls. Without a payment at this time we would not be able to host indoor sessions.

They are limited by numbers indoors so have had to keep the groups small to start with but we have another venue opening up in June which will allow all adult members and juniors playing for teams to take part in indoor training.

York VC will move to the more normal membership fee structure towards the start of the new season and will keep you updated as soon as they know more.