Guidelines for Funding Applications from Volleyball England Foundation
The key objectives for the Foundation are:
Maintain health.
Assist in advancing educational opportunities through volleyball.
Help to provide opportunities to play volleyball and not be limited by income.
Application Forms can be requested and returned to the Company Secretary at: foundation@volleyballengland.org
Club or Group Funding
The current focus will run until DECEMBER 2023 and will support the development of SITTING VOLLEYBALL.
The next decisions on allocation of awards will be January 2023 (closing date is the tbc.)
Funding will be allocated to support future sitting volleyball development, encouraging young people and those with a disability or recovering from injury, into this inclusive part of our game.
The funding will support
Existing affiliated Volleyball Clubs to establish a sitting part to their club and to develop a team to play in the Sitting Volleyball Grand Prix in 2023/24 season
This will not support
Existing Sitting Volleyball Clubs
Clubs not affiliated to Volleyball England
Schools, Colleges and Universities.
Groups wanted to set up a ‘stand alone’ sitting volleyball club
Clubs not prepared to play in the Sitting Grand Prix
If additional support is needed for existing sitting clubs and /or schools, colleges or Universities please contact us and we will see if we can help you find accessible funding.
Simone Turner Chair of the Volleyball England Foundation has announced: “We will be looking to work with a number of clubs, who are keen to add sitting volleyball to the menu of activities offered in their club.”
Whilst still to be finalised, it is envisaged that a number of clubs will be awarded resources to a maximum of £1000 which will be used for equipment and training. Steve Matthews, Trustee at Volleyball England Foundation and now Sitting Volleyball Lead for Volleyball England, has suggested, that a successful applicant will receive, some or all of the following:
Posts and net for sitting volleyball
Resource packs for Clubs
Training for coaches and officials
Interested parties, should complete the Application Form that can be requested by sending an email to foundation@volleyballengland.org . Please ensure that all specified documentation requested are included and sent with the completed Application Form, to ensure your application can be considered by our Assessment Panel.
Please contact the Foundation Company Secretary with any queries and/or to submit your Application Form and supporting documentation to: foundation@volleyballengland.org
Volleyball England Foundation (VEF)
If the grant has not been claimed within six months of VEF’s offer, it will automatically lapse.
VEF reserves the right to ask for a return of any grant if it is not used in the specified period or not used for the specified purpose given.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all procedures are put in place that are required within good governance e.g. appropriate insurances, DBS checks, safeguarding policy etc
VEF may request the return of part or the whole of the grant if the recipient does not comply with the conditions of the grant.
Successful applicants agree to provide VEF with photographs, stories, web pages and any media coverage gained during the period of the grant/loan for VEF’s records and publicity; this will help to obtain further support for VEF’s work.
Please contact the Foundation Company Secretary with any queries or for an application form at foundation@volleyballengland.org