Biffa Awards



Projects under the Recreation theme can include new play equipment; landscaping works, including boardwalks, trees and shrubs; skate parks; woodland walks; nature trails; outdoor gyms; and building works within communal areas of sporting clubhouses (such as kitchen and toilet facilities) which have a wider community use and are not for the sole use of sports club members. It generally includes projects that benefit people within their free time. Under this theme an applicant will have to show evidence of wider community use, involvement and consultation.

  • The project site must be within five miles of a significant Biffa operation or within 10 miles of an active Biffa Landfill site. Check your project’s postcode using the Postcode Checker below.

  • The project site must also be situated within 10 miles of any licensed landfill site. To find your nearest landfill site, telephone the regulator Entrust on 01926 488300.

  • The site must be owned by the applicant or there must be a signed lease of more than 10 years in place between the applicant and the landowner.

  • The total cost of the project must be less than £200,000 inclusive of VAT.

  • The applicant organisation and project must be eligible for enrolment and registration with the scheme’s regulator, ENTRUST. Enrolment will be a condition of any grant approved.

  • Organisations must be not for profit. Local authorities and schools cannot apply.

  • There must be a minimum of 104 days of full public access to the project per year.

  • The grant must be used for site-based improvement work, not for movable equipment, storage facilities or staff as core costs.

  • Biffa Award is unable to fund retrospectively, so you should only apply for funding for work that will take place in the future.

  • Biffa Award is unable to fund sporting related projects including, but not limited to floodlighting, nets/equipment and irrigation systems. However, we do consider applications from sport clubs for the building works or improvements to clubhouse facilities, that can demonstrate multi-usage within the wider community, and that are not for the sole use of the sports club or any other organisation.

To find out more download our Guidance Notes. Please note that these might have changed if you have applied for funding before.



FCC Community Action Fund


Fields in Trust