Peter Harrison Foundation - Opportunities through Sport (UK)

Opportunities through Sport

Applications for this programme are accepted from charities throughout the United Kingdom.

The Trustees wish to support sporting activity or projects which provide opportunities for people who are disabled or otherwise disadvantaged to fulfil their potential and to develop other personal and life skills.

Grants will often be “one off” grants for capital projects. We will, however, also consider revenue funding for a new project or if funding is key to the continuing success or survival of an established project.

The Trustees welcome applications for the following types of project:

  • Projects which provide a focus for skills development and confidence building through the medium of sport

  • Projects that have a strong training and/or educational theme within a sporting activity

  • Projects that provide sporting equipment or facilities for disabled or disadvantaged people

  • Projects with a high degree of community involvement

  • Projects that help to engage children or young people at risk of crime, truancy or addiction

Funding Details

Each grant request is reviewed on its own merits. There are no minimum or maximum grant amounts.

Who Can Apply

The Foundation only accepts applications from organisations that are:
-  registered in England and Wales with the Charity Commison
-  a CASC (Community Amateur Sports Club)

The Trustees accept applications from local branches of national charities - but only if they have either a separate legal constitution or the endorsement of their national Head Office.

Examples of Projects Funded

Duke of Edinburgh's Award received a grant of £100,000 to support the Diamond (Jubilee) Leaders initiative specifically in the South East targeting children and young people with special needs or other disadvantages.

Cyclopark Trust To support the funding of a new building, Cyclo4All Hub, which will provide storage facilities for specialised cycles and other equipment, a base for events and shelter. Opportunities Through Sport £25,000

St. John's School and College received a grant of 14,745 to support the funding of an all-weather games area at this special needs college.

Contact Details

Please see the Peter Harrison Foundation website for contact details.


Application Status

This grant is open to applications.
Applications can be submitted at any time.


Big Lottery Community Fund


Samworth Brothers 'Sports Opportunity' Fund