South Yorkshire Small Grants Programme


Small Grants Programme

The Small Grants Programme is a scheme intended to support small, developing or less well-resourced community groups across South Yorkshire. Groups must have an income below £10,000 to apply. It offers grants up to £600 for one off projects like equipment or events. It has a quicker turnaround and simpler application process than the larger Community Grants.

Who can apply?

  • not for profit organisations with a bank account in the name of the group, and at least three unrelated committee members. This could be constituted groups, registered charities, or charitable incorporated organisations. We don’t fund community interest companies, but we can fund companies limited by guarantee that don’t pay their directors.

  • groups must have beneficiaries who live in South Yorkshire and be locally led and run. This includes locally constituted and managed branches of national or large charities

  • groups must have an income below £10,000 per year

What are the priorities of the programme?

We fund projects that have at least one of the following impacts:

  • improve life skills, education, employability & enterprise

  • maximise community cohesion & build social capacity

  • promote reduction of isolation and disadvantage

  • advance people’s physical health and well-being

  • connect people with arts, culture and heritage

  • transform access to and engagement with public spaces and the environment

It isn’t as complicated as it sounds. We have a guide to impact to help you.

What can I spend the money on?

The scheme is designed for specific things like equipment or events. It won’t fund running costs.

How do I apply?

There is a form to be completed online and one we ask you to send to a referee who knows about your group, for inclusion with your application.

When can I apply?

At any time. You can expect a decision within six weeks.


Dickie Bird Foundation Grants (UK)


Boost Charitable Trust (UK)