Volleyball England Foundation

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A club in its first season, Kings of Court Boston

Tell us a bit about your club, history, achievement over the years.

Kings of Court Boston is just a baby in the volleyball world. After years of local Bostonian's travelling around and playing for different clubs, we thought it is time to bring it home and formed the club in September 2019. Our team captain and man behind it all - Toms Jankovskis -he had been playing indoor and beach volleyball across England and is working hard, alongside the other team members, to promote Volleyball here in Lincolnshire . We are registered to play in the East Midlands and with the Lincolnshire Volleyball Association, with aim of bringing high level volleyball to the area and eventually join the National League.  Our team started strongly and we are proud of our achievements for such a young club. Out of the 7 games played, we won all 3:0, then the virus came along and all the leagues where cancelled. 

How has the COVID 19 impacted on your club?

Our aim was to join the National Volleyball League next year, as there is so much potential in our team. Unfortunately, due to the lock down we weren't able to finish the season and so didn't qualify. As this was a really important year for us, to improve our standard and grow our club. We have players of all ages and both genders. We unfortunately, have fallen back and will have to start from scratch - Marketing, looking for a sports hall, attracting more players etc. Luckily, we have our core team who has been there from the beginning and are passionate about volleyball - they will never miss opportunity to play the ball - see pictures below.  

What have you been doing to keep in touch with you players/ members?

We try to talk to each of the players on weekly basis - it is so important during these times to make sure no one feels isolated and excluded, as this is a more mentally challenging time then physically. We have also created a group chat where we share thoughts and practice ideas, our coach sends us some must see competition videos and I update everyone on the latest government guidance. We try to lighten everyones mood on Facebook by sharing throwbacks and encouraging our team to join global Instagram/Facebook trends (usually the sports ones, not the singing ones :) ) This keeps us in touch and motivates players to exercise at home. 

Tell us about any of your clubs members who have gone above and beyond during this difficult time?

A large part of our club membership are key workers, so we feel like all of their efforts to keep the UK running are above and beyond, and it is even more impressive when they find a way to fit volleyball in these already uncertain times. For example, one of our coaches Aaron Talbot has created a sports hall in his garden!

Thank you Anžela Turkina

To find out more about Volleyball in Boston go to
