Overcoming the availability of space barrier, but ready for more challenges at Stockport VC.

1. What was your biggest challenge to getting back on court?

The single, largest barrier was availability of indoor, sports hall space.  We initially started with outdoor activities only, courtesy of our local, Manchester Rugby Club.  This was small sided play, combined with strength and conditioning outdoors.  It became the norm recognising the need for social distancing.  At least this gave a semblance of normality as we know some members were suffering anxiety from the enforced isolation through the pandemic and lockdown.  It shouldn’t be underestimated what a key role the ‘volleyball family’ plays in mental health and well-being.

2.What new precautions have you put in place following VE guidance?

We decided to tackle the situation head on and working with our partners and stakeholders, proactively planned for “Return 2 Play”.  We have adopted protocol and best practices including guidance from the Government, Volleyball England and Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council.  There has also been bespoke risk assessments by the Club and Venues and collaborative working with our trusted, leisure operators.  We have to say, Life Leisure (the operator in Stockport) has been awesome and instigated measures, which members are respecting to mitigate risks.  We have a designated Covid 19 Officer who attends every session.  This person supplemented by a male and female ‘Champion’ from the Management Committee who help administer safety messaging and precautions.

There will likely be changes to participation in training starting from next week. This after today's Government advice. The Coaching Team and the Club are planning as we speak in their usual responsible manner, with the safety and welfare of our members paramount.

3. Have most of your club members returned?

We are phasing the return based upon trends in infection numbers, local conditions (including neighbouring boroughs), our own perceptions and risk assessments.  National Volleyball League (NVL) Men and Women have returned at separate programmed times; and this Week, the Academy Juniors make a first appearance.  All community sessions for adults and juniors do not have a start back date yet.  The principle reason being that their facilities have less space, making social distancing in training regimes difficult; and track and trace with more sporadic attendance is seen to be problematic.

To date, we have not had any cases of confirmed coronavirus within the membership.  In no way do we rest on our laurels though. Two people are in self-isolation as a precaution, with no symptoms.  Three people are subject to quarantine measures after returning from designated overseas countries.

4. Have you had any new members start?

Continuing where we left of as a growing Club in 2019-2020, Stockport Volleyball (affectionately know as “the S’PORT”) has seen new members join after the outdoor trials and via active recruitment in both NVL Men’s and NVL Women’s squads.  Of great satisfaction is a select number of Academy Juniors being promoted and invited to train with NVL Teams.  This is felt to be a signal of intent and recognising both the future generations of players and longer-term sustainability.

 5. Can we support you to promote your activities – provide dates, times and location.

No more publicity please at the moment.  The S’PORT brand and our strapline ‘Mes que une Club’ (more than a club) means we are having impact in our locality and already have a waiting list for prospective members trying to get into our fabulous sport.  When “Return 2 Play” is extended, our communication channels of Website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram will carry up to date announcements.  Padoq and Whats App platforms for the membership also.

6. What can the foundation do to support you getting back on your feet?

There are 130 different funding opportunities on our website. https://www.volleballenglandfoundation.org/grant-finder

We have found this to be an invaluable resource and congratulate the Volleyball England Foundation on taking this initiative.

Don’t forget you can apply for your club to have a sitting volleyball section -closing date start of December. https://www.volleyballenglandfoundation.org/funding-for-clubs

Another fabulous initiative.  Whilst we have undertaken sitting volleyball programmes, we feel there are other volleyball clubs better suited to take advantage of this ‘pot’ than ourselves at this time period.