Can you help?

Can you help Nick Morris by completing his survey about emotions in sport?

Nick has been a member of Wessex for many years as a junior and a senior in the Super League squad. He is currently conducting some postgraduate Sports and Exercise Psychology research into this area, and needs your can help!

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between you and a professional volleyball player?

Is there really something that helps them stay calm, think and perform under pressure? Something other than their ability on the court, a psychological Pro Edge?

His survey into ‘Emotions in Sport’ is a pioneering study looking at testing a way to accurately measure and compare the emotions that amateur and professional athletes experience before, during and after training/competition.

As extra incentive on finishing the survey, you can enter a random prize draw to win £100! The survey takes less than 20 minutes and closes on August 31st!

If you could find the time to complete my survey (computer and mobile phone friendly) and share it at home or with people you play with, I would massively appreciate it! Anyone can answer; all ability levels, ages and sports welcome!

Link to the survey:

Thank you!

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