Clubs getting ready to get back on court.

It was great to hear the Prime Minister outline his road map yesterday.

Volleyball England are looking at the implications for all disciplines.

Volleyball within schools can resume from 8 March while organised outdoor and beach volleyball will be able to return from 29 March.

The phased return of indoor volleyball could also begin on 17 May.

The news comes after the Prime Minister announced England’s roadmap out of lockdown.

We will update our return to play guidance as further information becomes available. A separate announcement will shortly be made on the return of sitting volleyball.

Read our announcement in full:

So many clubs have responded to the announcement:-

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Newcastle Staffs VC announced

Return to Volleyball... the Roadmap

Yesterday's government announcement gives us some clear milestones to be able to return to play (as long as the data on covid is on-track)...

outdoor/beach volleyball from 29th March

u18s indoor from 12th April

Adults indoor from 17th May

BEFORE THEN... our Trustees will be working hard with our venues to ensure we have bookings in place, and to get everything ready to play safely.

We will keep you posted as plans become clearer!

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The club have been planning a summer outdoor program, aiming to start when the clocks go back and evenings become longer and brighter. With the government announcement that outdoor sport might be able to return on the 29th of March, the day after the clocks change, we are all getting very excited. Drop us a message to be added to our mailing list and kept up to date.

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If you are planning to get back on court inside our out, let us know so we can share and promote it across the network -