Congratulations to the winners of Young Volunteer, Volunteer and HEVO of the Year.

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Congratulations to the winners of Young Volunteer, Volunteer and HEVO of the Year.

  • Young Volunteer of the Year

    Congratulations to Lewis Fenech from Brentwood VC.

    Lewis is delighted to be nominated, he is the real backbone of the club, he provides hours of dedicated service to his club every week coaching 4 of the club teams. Lewis was inspired by Brendan Osborne

  • Volunteer of the Year

    Congratulation to Rachel Hynes from Dartford VC.

    Rachel was humbled to be nominated and delighted to have won this award. She has been a massive support to the club both before and during the resent COVID lockdown. Rachel supports across the club but has been instrumental in the development of the junior programme. Rachel also sits on the club executive and has been coaching in local schools.

  • HEVO of the Year

    Congratulations to Emilie Forrisdal from De Montford University.

    Emily was delighted to receive this award, she was pleased to be nominated for the work she does as a HEVO as she doesn’t ever feel it is work more a pleasure to be sharing her passion for Volleyball with other students. Emily received her award this evening at home in Norway where she has been enjoying playing Beach Volleyball this summer,

Congratulations to all the winners and nominees, thank you for your amazing support over the years.

Tonight at 7pm we will see the presentation of the Club of the Year and the Serena Morten Safeguarding Award.

The nominations are:-

  • Huck Nets' Club of the Year: Leeds Gorse; Coventry & Warwick Riga; Southampton

  • Serena Morten Safeguarding Award: Leah Howel (Maidstone); Martyn Quick (Skyball); Adrian Stores (Stockport)

See the full interview here.