Leeds RGA - another club receives Sport England 'Return to Play' funding.

Leeds RGA - another club to receive Sport England Return to Play funding.

Dave and Penny Speers are delighted with the support from the Foundation, supporting Leeds RGA and several other clubs in Yorkshire. Penny said “All of us at Leeds RGA would like to massively thank the Yorkshire Volleyball Association and Volleyball England Foundation for the assistance they have given our club to return successfully and safely to playing volleyball. The Sport England’s Return to Play Fund, has through the Volleyball England Foundation and the Yorkshire Association, supplied cleaning kit, indoor and outdoor equipment, including additional balls, ball carts and outdoor net systems. This will enable us to provide a safer environment for our players, with extra equipment, which will enable us to play in smaller training groups to reduce the risk of COVID.”

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“We are also grateful for the support from the Foundation in setting up a sitting section in the club. We have all the kit we need to establish this discipline in our club” said Penny. “Many thanks again to Sport England, the Foundation and Yorkshire Volleyball Association for their much valued support.”