Find out more about the Coach from Darkstar Helen Britten.

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1. How were you first introduced to Volleyball?

I was introduced at school when I was 11. Our PE teacher was North East coach Steve Betts and he started a club called Felling Volleyball Club. I played as did my two older brothers Keith and Alan Sowden. Looking back I can't imagine my life without volleyball, we owe a lot to Steve.

2. What was the most difficult skill to master on court?

I don't remember having issues with serving in the early days but it definitely became an issue in later years. Once a problem sets in it's a real psychological struggle, shoulder injuries didn't help but coaching has helped and I discovered that you can put mind over matter and work through it. I would never start me at position one if we had serve but I think I could just about hold my own these days, although I'm far too old to master a jump serve!!

3. What makes you most proud of our Volleyball Family?

I actually have a real volleyball family, my brother and sister-in law run Newcastle Volleyball Club, my other brother and fiance play in the home counties and my nephew, daughter and one of my sons all play too, so when we get together it doesn't take long for the discussions to turn to volleyball. My club Darkstar and East Midlands regional volleyball family are so important and we really come together, whatever the challenge. We train hard, play hard and socialise hard and it's a great support. Having lived in a lot of places and played for a lot of clubs over the years I can say that the volleyball family is one of a kind and I can't imagine being without them all.

4. What was your greatest Volleyball achievement?

As a player at the age of 15 I trained and played with the England schoolgirl squad, being from the North East there was a lot travelling involved and I've got to say a big thank you to my parents for making the long trips south for training sessions. I've played with a some great clubs, coaches and players in the North East, Edinburgh, Sheffield, Nottingham, Newcastle Staffs and finished my NVL playing days at Darkstar at the grand old age of 50! As a coach I'm proud of our juniors at Darkstar, many have progressed through the club ranks to our regional and NVL teams. I was Team Manger for England at the UK School Games in 2017 which was a great experience and coaching alongside our talented club coaches means I'm always learning too.

5.What are you missing most during the lockdown?

Really missing seeing our juniors and the anticipation of match days. Especially going to miss the Inter-regionals and the National Finals!

6. What are you looking forward to most once the lockdown is over?

Seeing everyone and welcoming them all back, and after having this time to reflect and plan I'm looking forward to trying some new ways of coaching.