First Sitting Volleyball Grand Prix of 2021.

Last weekend saw 10 sitting volleyball teams come together for the first time since the start of the pandemic.

The event took place at the National Volleyball Centre at the Kettering Conference Centre.

Out of the 10 teams taking part 2 were teams that had been funded through the Foundation to set up this discipline in their clubs, the 2 teams were Leeds Gorse and Salisbury.

Salisbury VC in action.

Richard Osborne, Volleyball England lead for sitting volleyball was delighted to see so many clubs back in action “We have missed playing, but also just seeing each other and catching up with old friends. We are so pleased to have the Foundation here today, they have given so much support to sitting volleyball over the last 9 months.”

As part of the Grand Prix the courts each had a COVID infection reduction net that had been designed by the sitting working group, produced by SportSet, funded by Sport England, through Return to Play grant. In addition each court had its own sanitation kit which was used before and after each game and during the match to clean the balls,

COVID infection control nets and cleaning between matches.

COVID infection control nets and cleaning between matches.

During the lunch break a presentation took place to the overall winners of the last Grand Prix series. Janet Inman Company Secretary for the Foundation and former Volleyball England CEO was delighted to present the trophy to Help the Heroes.

The next Grand Prix will take place on the 24th of October at Kettering, we hope that the other teams that have been funded through the Foundation, Manchester Marvels, Hull Thunder and Nottingham Rockets will all be taking part.


Nottingham Rockets -2nd Adult Grand Prix.


Willesden Volleyball Club - Another successful 'Return to Play' grant