Foundation continue to support sitting volleyball

On Sunday half of the Volleyball England Foundation Board attended the 3rd Sitting Volleyball Grand Prix.

During the last 12 months the Foundation has been working to support the development of Sitting Volleyball, firstly by providing the COVID compliant nets and infection control kits through a Sport England Return to Play grant and more recently by providing funding for equipment and training funding to community volleyball clubs to set up a sitting section. Since it was launched 5 clubs have had resources to enable them to get sitting volleyball into their clubs these include Manchester Marvels, Leeds Gorse, Salisbury, Nottingham Rockets and Hull and West Riding Volleyball. Two of these are now taking part in the Grand Prix but we hope others will be ready to join shortly.

On Sunday the Foundation Board saw the impact of their support, first hand by attending the Grand Prix. Some had never seen sitting volleyball live before and were impressed by the level of skill, commitment and how much everyone was enjoying the competition, including the referees.

The Foundation will be looking to support more clubs develop a sitting volleyball section in the New Year, if you are interested contact the Foundation on