Latest government guidance for grassroots sport.

Using sport facilities

Sports Courts including basketball and tennis courts, bowling greens and playing spaces like golf courses (public and private) can re-open. Other outdoor sports facilities such as angling can also resume.

All forms of water sports practised on open waterways, including sailing, windsurfing, canoeing, rowing, kayaking, surfing, paddle-boarding and the use of privately owned motorised craft (in line with the guidance issued by the relevant navigation authority) are allowed.

All of these activities must only be undertaken alone, with members of your household or, providing you are following social distancing guidelines, with just 1 other person from outside your household. For example it would not be possible to form a double or Canadienne canoe, kayak or rowing boat with someone outside your household as it would not be possible to abide by the social distancing guidelines.

Outdoor gyms, playgrounds and outdoor swimming pools will remain closed due to the higher risk of close contact and touching surfaces.

Timetable for reopening

Sport facilities are now allowed to open.

Each venue, including council-owned sports facilities, will make their own decisions about when their facilities are ready to open and can be operated safely. Please check ahead on websites and social media to make sure before you arrive at a facility that it has reopened and what advice they are offering users, for example if there is a booking system.

The government has also published high level guidance for elite athletes and professional sportsmen and women, in order to allow them resume performance training under new guidance at official training venues.

Government is working with National Governing Bodies of sport to determine what additional and specific guidance may be needed in future

Sharing equipment

It is a decision for facility managers whether or not they hire out equipment?

We would expect them to follow sensible precautions and clean in between users, as well as the safely working guidance.

Where possible we recommend that you limit sharing of equipment, for example you should use your own tennis racquet, golf club or basketball, but if you do, practice strict hand hygiene.

If you are sharing equipment, including balls, you should wash your hands thoroughly before and after use.

Changing rooms

Indoor facilities, apart from toilets and through-ways should be kept closed.

Personal trainers and coaching

One on one personal training or coaching is permitted if outside and remaining a minimum of 2 metres apart.


Latest government guidance for Elite sport return to training guidance: Step One


The Foundation Board member that can't say NO! Janet Inman