Volleyball England Foundation

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Highlights from the Volleyball England Foundation board meeting yesterday.

The Volleyball England Foundation met yesterday, again having a virtual meeting due to COVID 19.

Key elements that came from the meeting

The Foundation is committed to supporting the Volleyball England long term strategy

The Foundation were successful in securing a grant of £1000 last week, it will continue to bid for funding to support our volleyball community, helping to build a sustainable future.

The Foundation will continue to share funding opportunities and support clubs and individuals to find additional funding through their website.

The members of the Board wanted to thank all those who have made donation to the Foundation to support the work they are doing.

Did you know?

The Foundation does not have any employees, the work being done by the Foundation is all being done by volunteers.

The Foundation will be holding their AGM on the 8th of August and we hope to be able to allow interested parties to watch through the internet.

The Foundation web site has had over 14,000 pages viewed in the last 4 months.

Thank you for your continued support.