How to make your club more inclusive for LGBT+ young people.

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72% of lesbian, gay and bisexual respondents said they would be more likely to participate in club sport if the club was marketed as inclusive of LGB people (or ‘LGB-friendly’). *

Many young lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans (LGBT+) young people have difficult experiences when they reveal their sexual orientation or gender identity. 

Changes in legislation have ensured that in many areas of life, LGBT+ people should enjoy and can demand the same rights as everybody else.

The changes to the law mean that organisations have a responsibility to provide services and support for all children and young people – including those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans.

It’s important for sport to be inclusive of LGBT+ young people as physical activity contributes to a young person’s health, wellbeing and development. In recent years, the sport sector has shown a change in attitudes and is working to embed an accepting and inclusive culture.Find out how to make your sports club or activity more inclusive for LGBT+ young people.

Take a look at our guidance -…
