Just what every clubs needs a volunteer like our Volunteer No.4 Bev Cooper.

 Bev Cooper from South Hants Volleyball Club.

Every club needs a Bev Cooper, because she gets things done!  

Bev has been a stalwart at South Hants Volleyball Club for around 20 years, initially as a player in NVL Div 3 and 2 and later as coach securing promotion for the women’s team to the (then) Div 1.  

Over the last 5 years her focus has been on junior development, and her endeavours have reaped huge success such that the club now boasts 2 junior sections, with a growing waiting list to boot!  

Bev approaches everything with boundless energy and is steadfast in seeing through a job to its conclusion where others might give into frustration.  

During the coronavirus pandemic, she has been an ever present taking part in virtual sitting volleyball sessions and has invested significant time in firstly understanding the ever-shifting government policy on return to play procedures and then, on her own initiative, she took the lead in developing the club’s policy and risk assessments to ensure a safe return to play.  

She also organised outdoor junior sessions as soon as they were able to be delivered and was there with her customary smile to warmly welcome back the players.

 Bev is the heart beat of South Hants Volleyball Club and every member, from every section - junior, indoor and sitting, is grateful for her enthusiasm and ‘can do’ attitude that enables them to benefit from playing.

Just what every clubs needs - a Bev Cooper.

Thank you for all you do Bev to support your club and out volleyball family.

