"Let's play Volleyball"

Great to see some level of volleyball being played, in a safe controlled environment, across the country.

Lets play.jpeg

Thank you Volleyball England for the information provided in last nights webinar to ensure we can all get back on court and “stay safe.”

London Wapping

London Wapping

Notts Rockets.png
Lincoln Cannons.

Lincoln Cannons.

The question remains! Who will be digging for the gold in Canterbury? There is still time to enter The Invicta Beach Volleyball Championships! To enter the women's division follow this link:https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=gzhtKns…

The question remains! Who will be digging for the gold in Canterbury?

There is still time to enter The Invicta Beach Volleyball Championships!

To enter the women's division follow this link:


To enter the men's division follow this link:


Development camp.jpg


If you would like us to promote your activity, drop us a line at foundation@volleyballengland.org