Masters Volleyball 11th to 13th of September


Enter Masters 2020

The Essential Information

When: Friday 11th - Sunday 13th September

Where: EIS Sheffield

Entries now open.

What’s It All About

If you are an over 40’s male or over 35’s female who is either still active on the volleyball circuit or haven’t played for a few years and have an itching to dust of the Mizuno’s, then Master’s Volleyball is an ideal way to connect with the more mature volleyball community.

The event started in 2012 with a small gathering of past players who all came together in Sheffield for our first tournament. It has risen in size over the past seven tournaments to what is now the UK’s biggest and best veteran’s volleyball event.

The whole concept is to enjoy a relaxed weekend in a nice hotel with good food, plenty of liquid refreshments and mix in a days’ worth of competitive sport where you don’t join as a team, you come as an individual where the teams are carefully selected to ensure games are close.

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