Message from Volleyball England following the Prime Minister's announcement

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Group volleyball activity in England will be put on pause for the duration of the country’s second national lockdown.

Beginning on Thursday, 5th November, an individual will only be able to exercise outdoors on their own, with members of their household or support bubble, or with one person from another household.

Unlike with the introduction of other restrictions, exemptions only apply for elite athletes. The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport classifies someone as an elite athlete for one of four reasons:

  • an individual who derives a living from competing in a sport

  • a senior representative nominated by a relevant sporting body

  • a member of the senior training squad for a relevant sporting body, or

  • aged 16 or above and on an elite development pathway.

More detail on each of those categories can be found here

Sue Storey, Chief Executive of Volleyball England, said: “This second national lockdown will be an extremely challenging period for the Volleyball Family. 

“As the nights draw in and the conditions become colder, opportunities will be limited, but let’s seize what we can to keep active and stay in touch with each other.

“Many clubs did an excellent job of keeping in touch with their members last time, whether through weekly video call quizzes or quirky challenges on social media, and I’d encourage them to kickstart those for this lockdown.

“But whatever you do, do not lose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel. Volleyball will be back, bigger and better. That glorious day is ahead of us and it is something we should all hold onto. 

“With your support behind the #SaveOurSports campaign, Volleyball England will continue to lobby for restrictions on indoor sport to be lifted. We’ll also be bringing you further ideas for keeping active and other content to keep you entertained during this period of downtime.” 


Find out more about the #SaveOurSports campaign.

Looking for volleyball-inspired home workout ideas? Click here.