Volleyball England Foundation

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National Volunteer Week No 4 Adrian Stores

Adrian is the Chair and Founder of Stockport Volleyball Club, a professional marketeer and fundraiser.

What was your first volunteer experience?

As far as I can remember, it might be administrator (voluntary) for my University Football Team. In volleyball, it would have been performing many roles on setting up Stockport Volleyball Club back in 1995.

Who was it that encouraged you to become a volunteer?

It was self-motivation only. Nowadays there are more structured training and opportunities showing the added value that can be derived from a volunteering experience.

What roles have you undertaken as a volunteer?

Just to give a few examples. Event management (grand prix series for Juniors and Volleyball England); Covid 19 Officer; Safeguarding and Welfare Lead; Secretary; Officiating etc.

What has been your most enjoyable volunteering experience?

Maybe our first success and taking the under 14 Boys to a regional grand prix in the North West.

What have you gained / learnt from being a volunteer?

Job satisfaction, networking and confidence. Volunteering can be most rewarding.

Is there one volunteering experience you have on your bucket list?

To perform some added value volunteering role if our NVL Men or Women ever reached the Super League.

 Thank you Adrian.