National Volunteer Week - Profile 2 Dave Potter.

Dave Potter club coach and so much more at Leeds RGA

Dave is another of our invaluable coaches at Leeds RGA.

Before the pandemic hit Dave was playing for the men’s second team, and coaching not only a women’s team but our popular social sessions on a Friday evening. A junior session, followed by an open session once attracting over 70!  He also coached the Yorkshire  boys U15 team. 

Dave also helped with driving to fixtures, officiating many of the teams, helped coach the juniors and often had the responsibility of opening and closing the Sports Hall.

When the pandemic hit Dave started a zoom quiz for firstly his team and then offered it to the whole club on a Wednesday evening and is still doing it today!! In addition to five different quiz rounds the evenings tend to include typical banter, club business and at times wine tasting! 

Dave was appointed as a vice chair last year to represent the work he does for the club and for being an important part of the club’s running and development. Dave finished every match with a photo selfie and  if you go on our Facebook page you will see many examples! Dave is true stalwart!! 

 So pleased and proud that Dave has been nominated as one of our profile volunteers during our Volunteer Week.

Congratulations Dave always Volleyball at heart.

If you would like to nominate one of your club please send me an email ay

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