Newcastle Panthers - Brand new facility, TV coming to film and then lockdown!

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Tell us a bit about the club?

Sue and Keith Sowden set up Newcastle Panthers in 2005, when they were based at Newburn Leisure Centre.

January 2019 we moved into the newly built Newcastle Eagles Basketball Arena. This doubled our court time, allowing us to provide training for more people. Just before the lockdown, we were in negotiations with the venue, to use a third area for junior development. This was an exciting time for our club, with our committee discussing whether we needed to begin a ‘waiting list’ due to the growing numbers!

How has COVID 19 had an impact on the club?

Regarding the COVID19 situation, it is obviously very disappointing for our club as we were growing and gaining lots of publicity when we had to cease training. We actually had the local television company -Tyne Tees Television coming to film us on the week we had to cancel.

The arena where we had moved to have obviously been hit hard and we really do not know at this stage, the impact the virus will have on all of us. It is a Basketball Arena and so they have been hit hard too and they along with volleyball, will be one of the last sports to get back to any sort of normality I suspect.

How are you keeping in touch with your players during the lockdown?

We have been sending out all our usual email to all of our members via MailChimp and also shared on our Facebook page, with old photos of our club and lots of tips for staying fit and healthy. Information from Volleyball England, other clubs, FIVB, providing examples of drills, funny photos and basically anything I find which may be of interest.

Our members who play for one of our teams, have also been in touch with each other via social media and some have been holding virtual quizzes and ‘pub’ nights.

What challenge do you think you will face when we are able to get back on court?

One of our main concerns, apart from when we will eventually be able to get back to any sort of training, is how many of our members will have returned to their own countries (as we have over 40 different nationalities). We know of several, but do not know if they will be returning to England. Our club season usually ends with a club BBQ with awards but this unfortunately will not be able to go ahead along with the cancellation of South Shields Beach Tournament which we organise, as well as a couple of junior and school grass events.

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How can the Foundation help post COVID 19?

We really do not know what the eventual impact will be on our club and are concerned as to how the Newcastle Eagles Basketball Club will be affected, which will then impact us. I don’t think anyone will know yet what help they may need or what the biggest challenges may be.

We are all trying to remain positive, have not heard of any of our members losing a loved one and so therefore have a lot to be thankful for.

Thank you Sue Sowden