Perfect weather for Beach Volleyball but no one at Yellowave.


Yellowave Opening Update

Wow - what perfect weather for beach volleyball!!! 😏

Theoretically, based on the government guidelines we could open the cafe for take-away and allow people from the same household to play beach volleyball together or for two people from different households to play one versus one.

However we feel it is the right decision to wait a little longer. This is for two reasons.

1. To see if the 'R' remains static so that all of our community remains safe and healthy.

2. To consider the financial viability of any opening decision. We need to take enough money so that we can pay the staff. If we re-open and take less money than remaining closed under the furlough scheme, then it would be the wrong decision for both the team being able to pay their own personal bills and wrong for the long term viability of the business.

As we run or cycle along the seafront and see all the activity going on and watch other businesses re-open it is very tempting to do the same. But we are trying to get the balance of what we feel is right in terms of safety, benefit for the community, team and business. What we want you to know is that we are constantly considering the pro's and con's of every decision we are making and the desire to re-open is huge!

We thank you for all your understanding and patience and simply cannot wait to see all your faces - we miss our happy Yellowave hub!

To find out more about Yellowave and keep up to date with opening plans.

Thank you Katie.

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