Sandwell Volleyball Tournament 2020


From Richard Callicott OBE

Tournament Director, Sandwell Volleyball Tournament

Dear Volleyballers

Re Sandwell Volleyball Tournament

It is with sad regret that I write to you to inform you that Sandwell Volleyball tournament 2020 due to be held on July 4th 2020 is cancelled.

It is clear that the Covid 19 pandemic has caused all sorts of problems for everyone and whilst at this moment sport has been affected like every other aspect of life we are unable to undertake the necessary planning to ensure it takes place safely and the current Government advice is that we cannot hold such events.

So after 50 years since the Tournament started back in 1969 and none of us is getting younger ,the reality is that it may well be that Sandwell has held its last event as are unclear as to whether we can bring it back again.

There was a period when it was not held due a to a number of factors but we brought it back in 2011 and had hoped to continue to our 50th tournament but it may well be that will not happen now.

So thank you for being part of the history of the Sandwell Volleyball Tournament which was the biggest Volleyball Tournament in Europe at one point and which gained us that award in the Guinness Book of Records.

It also received a special award by the International Olympic Committee, the Sport for All award, the only sporting Body in UK sporting history to achieve that accolade.

I am very proud of what we achieved and  that we spawned so many similar outdoor Tournaments across the UK.

I hope you continue ,once the situation improves, to enjoy Volleyball and look back on how much enjoyment we were able to bring you.

On behalf of the committee of the Sandwell Volleyball Tournament and particular to Vic Westwood and Tony Brewer who were with me for so much of the history of the event .

Good bye and thanks for being with us.