Volleyball England Foundation

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Skin Cancer Awareness Month

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month.

Many of us love to enjoy the sunshine (whenever it decides to make an appearance!).

Beach volleyball in the glorious weather is our favourite thing, right?!

But, how many of us protect ourselves properly, when we’re out enjoying the rays?

Skin Cancer Awareness month is the perfect time for us to highlight some sun safety, for us all to follow, both on & off the court.

The Teenage Cancer Trust have 5 top tips, for us to all follow this summer…

Use sunscreen (at least SPF 30)

Wear a hat (to protect your head, face, neck & ears from the sun)

Protect your eyes (by wearing sunglasses)

Stay in the shade (the sun’s rays are strongest between 11am-3pm),

Cover up (with loose fitting clothes when possible)

For more information about how to look after your skin this summer, please head to the Teenage Cancer Trust website, by clicking here.