Some Exciting Changes

There has been lots going on behind the scenes, here at VEF HQ over the last few weeks!

You may remember, a couple of months ago, we were advertising for new Volleyball England Foundation Trustees.

Well, the lengthy process is now over, and we can proudly introduce our 4 new team members. Please welcome…

Peter Bakare,

Donald Deans,

Robert Blaszczak,

Robert Barrett.

Our new Trustees will soon be added to our website. You’ll be able to find out more about each person, by heading to the ‘Need Help?’ tab on our page, and scrolling down to the ‘Trustee’ heading (they’ll hopefully be posted on there this week!!).

But, the exciting news doesn’t stop there!

We are super pleased to announce, that Greg Brown has now stepped up to be our Company Chair.

We can’t wait to see what happens next with the Foundation, but we know we’re in good hands, with Greg in charge!!