Volleyball England Foundation

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Sport England launch 'Uniting the Movement' their 10 year strategy

Today Sport England held a 2 hour workshop to talk about their 10 year strategy called ‘Uniting the Movement.

Sport England believe sport and physical activity has a big role to play in improving the physical and mental health of the nation, supporting the economy, reconnecting communities and rebuilding a stronger society for all.

For too long, people with the most to gain from being active have been the least able to take part. As a result of the huge disruption 2020 has caused, and the inequalities it’s reinforced or even exacerbated – such as those around socio-economic status and ethnicity – our drive to do things differently and confront these inequalities head on is stronger than ever. 

This strategy is different not just because it’s a vision for the next 10 years. It sets how we need to change as a sector and an ecosystem, so that we can give people the opportunities they need now and in the future. 

More than anything, it seeks to tackle the inequalities we’ve long seen in sport and physical activity. Providing opportunities to people and communities that have traditionally been left behind, and helping to remove the barriers to activity, has never been more important.

You can view the whole strategy here Uniting for Movement