Sport England Return to Play funding reaches £400,000 to support Volleyball clubs
Maidstone Volleyball Club receive just under £6.000
When Sport England launched Return to Play in the Autumn of 2020, little did we know that Volleyball would secure £400,000 to support the volleyball community get back on court.
In the first 6 months a number of clubs saw the opportunity and 30 clubs and organisations managed to secure £65,000. In March the Foundation set out to raise the profile of ‘Return to Play’ and support clubs to access funding, over the next 6 months 70 successful applications were made, some for groups such as the Bristol and District League, the Northern Counties, East Midlands, Hull and West Yorkshire Volleyball Association and some for individual clubs such as Stourbridge, Tettenhall Tigers and Maidstone Volleyball Clubs. In this 6 month window with the support of the Volleyball England Foundation over £320,000 was secured into the Volleyball network.
In recent weeks, many clubs have returned to training in preparation for the 2021/22 season, once returned clubs are no longer able to apply for the Return to Play fund, so for the majority of clubs this funding window is now closed. There are still 3 clubs waiting to hear if they have been successful.
Return to Play has had 117 volleyball applications, of them 80 have received funding making the volleyball success rate of 70% one of the highest across all the sports that could apply. Over 100 clubs have received support from this funding pot, nearly a quarter of affiliated clubs.
Frodsham Volleyball Club had applied and been unsuccesful, but with the support of the Foundation, resubmitted and managed to secure over £5,500 supporting their return.
Thanks to Sport England for their continued support of Volleyball, we look forward to the next funding opportunity.
Wapping Wildcubs receive over £5000.